Muslims Across Europe Unite Against Extremism

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Muslim Association of BritainPress Release: 28 March 2008

Muslims Across Europe Unite Against Extremism

The Muslim Association of Britain (MAB), founding members of the Federationof Islamic Organisations in Europe (FIOE), calls on all communities across Europe to unite against growing incitement and attacks against the European Muslim community.MAB condemns the Dutch extreme right-wing politician Geert Wilders for posting his Islamophobic and unjustified attack on Islam's holy book, the Quran, on the internet. Ahmed Al-Rawi President of MAB highlighted the concerns of the community 'this video is propaganda in its' most evil form. In a time when communities across Europe need to unite for the common good, this is yet another unjustified attack against a community. European Muslims have been victimised twice - firstly by being targeted, along with the general public, in the recent attacks on London in July 2005 and on Madrid in March 2004 and then attacked again across Europe by far right and fascist groups. Our political leaders have a responsibility to promote community cohesion rather than hate and evil.''Terrorists target all communities - they don't distinguish between race, colour or religion, however politicians like Wilders who target only law abiding minority groups in Europe need to be exposed for who they really are - the true preachers of hate and evil in suits.'MAB has also called on the UK-based website which allowed the film to be posted online to remove the video arguing that this is not a matter of free speech as this video incites religious hatred which could lead to innocent people being attacked and abused. MAB have asked the British police to look into the matter.MAB continues to condemn the republication of the cartoons attacking the Prophet Muhammad in Europe and calls for all media agencies to stop the continuing incitement of hatred and look to the responsible reporting of the mainstream British media by not producing this offensive material. Issued by MAB
[ENDS] Notes to Editors: MAB is a founding member of the Muslim Council of Britain (MCB), Federation of Islamic Organisations in Europe (FIOE) and the Mosques and Imams National Advisory Body (MINAB).MAB jointly organised the peaceful Rally in London on February 11, 2006 against the publication of the cartoons attacking the Prophet, which was supported by different faith and non faith organisations as well as senior MPs in the British Parliament. The theme of the Rally was United Against Islamophobia and United Against Extremism.MAB actively seeks to dispel the misconceptions about Muslims and helps to act as a bridge to promote better understanding between the UK and the Muslim World. Examples of this are the historic anti-war movement, which we led with our partners the Stop the War Coalition and the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) and helping the local Muslim community root out unwanted elements from, and reclaim, the Finsbury Park Mosque - now called the North London Mosque. MAB has actively worked to encourage Muslims to take part in mainstream political and media work which led to the Guardian Newspaper referring to MAB as - 'the organisation that changed the way the Iraq war was reported'.Media enquiries should be addressed to the MAB Media Office on 02089089109or 07736287047 -


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